
My last creations...


Conch Shells, #12

Snowflake, #8

Rhino Beetle

Lily Mary

Anphisbene, heraldry vers.

Multicolor Tulip

Last added links...

Go to the Link Page!


  • Added some other new models and the brand new section Tribute.
    You can find them all in the Gallery!
  • Years, months and weeks have gone fast from the birth of OrigamiGianluca (2007)
    Your access to my site become more and more every day, Really thanks to all of you!
    The only way I have to say thank you is to continue sharing my works with you.
    In my gallery my new models are already waiting for you!
    • Added a new model in Sea Life section
    • Added a new model in Insecta section
    • Added a new model in Varios section
    • Added two new models in Flowers section
  • We have reached the amount of 20.000 single accesses!
    Proud of this, I'd like to say thank you to all of you that have made it possible.
    Really thank you! So keep staying with us, and don't miss all the next coming soon news on!
  • I've just added a new model in the Sea Life section
  • I've just added a new model in the Fantasy section
  • I've just added a new model in the Sea Life section
    Look out! It's spiny :-)
  • I've just added a new model in the Sea Life section
    Beware... it bites! :-)
  • All the articles in the introductive section are finally on line.
    Now I have only to keep them updated... only...
    More, the link exchange between and CDO website is now official! Subscribe to CDO!!!
  • After a little stop, OrigamigGianluca comes back with a completely renewed image gallery.
    I hope thi will provide a better seeing and navigations.
  • I've started to insert material in the home subsections, regarding the history of origami, and my personal relationship with the art of origami.
    I hope you could find there some interesting and, why not, usefull informations.
  • Happy first birthday OrigamiGianluca!
    It is amazing to see how much it is grown in one year! And also 2008 will be plenty of juicy news!!
    I only hoppe to have enough time to do all my intents.
  • Thanks to the Christmass holiday (... by the way MERRY CHRISTMASS!!!) and to some good suggestion from my friends, has completely brand new face!
    I hope you wuold find it good. I've tried to make it a little more actual, and similar to the modern HTML 2.0 websites.
  • Due to some WE with a very bad weather, I've had time enough to complete the english version of . Now I an really international!
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